Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Don't drink bubble tea any more!

Dear All,

I will roughly translate this articles which is in Chinese. (see below for Chinese version)

Bubble tea brings a lot of sweet excitement to our taste buds but it is also very harmful to health. Milk essence is the main ingredient in bubble tea. Ten cups of fresh milk cannot match the taste of of a teaspoon of milk essence. The main ingredient of milk essence is hygrogenated vegetable oil, a type of transfat.

Experts says that a glass of 500ml of bubble tea a day far exceed the allowable limit of transfat for any person. It will lead to heart and blood vessel diseases.

Milk essence gives the bubble tea the fragrance and make it tasty. The fragrance and tastiness derived from a type of chemical. This chemical has trace of arsenic, lead, copper and many harmful minerals.

Long term consumption can lead to heart and blood vessel disease, cancer, asthma and other health complications. It reduces the IQ of children.

Consuming the black bubbles is equivalent to consuming plastic. Normally these bubbles were made from casava (tapioca) powder. This alone does not give the rubbery texture. To make it more rubbery, millet protein is added.

Some "black hearted" businessmen felt that this is still not rubbery enough. so, an artificial plastic powder is added. This type of artificial plastic material will never be digested and absorbed into the body. It will remain in the body and cause havoc to our health. You can imagine what will happen to your health after prolonged consumption of transfat and plastic!!!!



Subject: 珍珠奶茶 Don't drink bubble tea any more!


專家指出:每天一杯500 升(?mL)珍珠奶茶中反式脂肪酸含量已超出正常人承受極限,飲用者易患心血管疾病。




吃 ” 珍珠”等於吃塑膠?珍珠奶茶正因為這些黑色的小顆粒而得名,我們一般叫它為珍珠粉圓,公開的主材料是木薯澱粉。然而,單純的木薯澱粉並不能讓珍珠彈性足,如今比較通用做法是在其中加入小麥蛋白。即使如此,有的商家也覺得彈性還不夠,為了讓珍珠有“嚼頭“,於是再添加人工合成的高分子材料。


Don't drink any more!

From: Peter Chan

Subject: 珍珠奶茶 Don't drink bubble tea any more!

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